Embrace Your Brokenness

We are all broken. And no one can succeed on his own.
That’s why we need a savior. We need someone to help us in our brokenness. Good thing God came to our rescue.
Jesus taught us to pray like this: “Our Father, dwelling in the heavenly realms…”. God is our father who understands his children so well. He’s not a perfectionist who is only after our compliance. He values our connection more than our obedience. His laws show us who He is and what He expects us to do. But the law in itself cannot change us.
I’ve tried it — changing myself. It’s impossible. We can never change ourselves. That’s why we need God.
This is the good news. That in our brokenness, God did something to make us whole again.
You don’t have to fake it and try to show the world that you have it all together. Embrace your brokenness and cry out to God. “Dadda!” He is here as our father to help us even in our weakness.
Image by Arwan Sutanto