Transform Your Not Enough Mentality And Become A Fearless Presence-Filled Worshiper
Now Is The Time To Choose Commitment Over Convenience And Take The Proven Path To Becoming The Presence-Filled Worshiper God Created You To Be
How to Get Rid of Self-Rejection
If you suffer from lack of self-acceptance as a worshiper… always doubting yourself and your musical abilities… always feeling you’re not good enough… if you feel like you don’t measure up to your ideals as a worship leader… if you are tired of trying to please others just to feel good about yourself… then this message is just for you. Here’s why…
There’s a way you can confidently usher the presence of God in your own unique voice (style and identity).
And you need to realize, there is a cost to not dealing with this…
If You Don’t Do Something About It, It Just Gets Worse
What most people do when facing self-rejection is to compensate their feeling of not enough by seeking the applause of others… trying new gadgets and gears just to make their sound better… buying new outfits so they can look like their favorite worship artists… attending conferences and worship concerts of their favorite bands so they can be associated with them… enrolling in worship courses and seminars so they can hang their certificates on their walls… and the list goes on and on. But for most people, none of that works.
☑ The primary problem is internal, not external
☑ No amount of approval and applause from other people would ever compensate for your lack of self-acceptance
☑ Striving for perfection only leads to more stress and burnout
☑ Most people simply don’t have the same vocal range as most worship singers and artists do
☑ God looks at the heart, not the outward appearance
And what happens if you just do nothing? If you just keep doing what you’ve been doing? You become more stressed, burned out and frustrated about yourself because you can never measure up to being perfect.
How I Was Set Free From The Not Enough Mentality
I’ve got an answer that works. Here’s the story:
I tried everything out there, just like you. And then I had an encounter with God that changed everything. I started to see myself differently. I started to learn to love myself just as God loves me.
I learned that everything in the Kingdom of God is received and not achieved. So I learned how to receive from God as His son instead of trying to perform for acceptance.
I no longer strived for perfection and for the applause of men. Instead, I learned how to set my gaze upon God and trust in Him completely.
The more I encountered His presence, the more I was changed from glory to glory.
I learned to be comfortable with myself – imperfect and all. I stopped striving and started soaring in the Spirit.
What I realized is that we need to be intentional in cultivating our internal environment (our hearts) and not just go after quick fixes and external band-aids. When we cultivate our hearts to become good soil, we make room for God to transform us from glory to glory.
I began helping others by ushering them into powerful encounters with the loving Father. And they were never the same again.
I started training and equipping worship leaders and worship ministers how to confidently usher the presence of God in their own unique voice. I have witnessed how they grew in their anointing and become presence-filled fearless worshipers.
It Worked For These People, And It Will Work For You
“Indeed, God’s presence changes everything.” ~ Joshua Gamboa
“Pastor Verge has helped me write my own worship song and we now sing it in our church!” ~ Jenny Villanueva
Finally, It’s Your Turn
When you sign up for the Fearless Worshiper Masterclass you’ll join me personally, with several other students…
☑ We will journey together to become more confident in ushering God’s presence in your own unique way
☑ I will guide you in finding your unique voice in worship
☑ I will help you write an anointed worship song
☑ I will teach you keys and principles on how you can cultivate the right heart for God’s seed to grow and bear fruits
☑ We will… in other words… journey together in overcoming your fear of not being enough by taking courageous steps of faith!
Here’s what’s included in the masterclass:
☑ 4 Weekly Live Sessions: Mondays at 7:30-9:30 PM PHT ($200 Value)
☑ Access to Masterclass FB group
☑ Lifetime access to the recording links
☑ BONUS: 20-Minute Clarity Call with Verge Ascabano ($50 Value)
☑ BONUS: How to Lead Worship Online: Tips & Tools – Video Tutorial ($17 Value)
That’s right – this service that, if I offered it on a one-to-one basis, would cost minimum of $267 (or ₱13,350)… but it’s yours for a fraction of that amount.
It all comes as part of The Fearless Worshiper Masterclass, for just $47 or ₱2,285.
VALENTINES PROMO: $37 or ₱1,785 only until 4:00PM PHT today.
And you are 100% safe to try this out. That’s all I’m suggesting. Just come to the first day of the workshop to see if it works for you. If it does, you’ll be delighted – and I think that’s exactly what’s about to happen. We’ll continue our time together and finish up your project. If for some reason you’re not delighted with day one, and the amazing speed and clarity with which we work together to grow in your anointing and learn how to usher the Presence of God in your own unique voice, then just let me know – and you get all your money back. We’ll still be friends. We have NEVER had anyone ask for this, by the way.
It’s Decision Time
You have a choice to make: Do what you’ve been doing (or worse, do nothing at all.) You know where that will lead. Stress. Burnout. Frustration. Is that really where you want to go? Take a new action, and get a new result. Join The Fearless Worshiper Masterclass with Verge Ascabano (Mondays 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM starting on Feb 15 – Mar 8, 2021). Finally become an anointed fearless worshiper ushering the Presence of God in your own unique way and style.
Which do you really want for yourself? Here’s what to do now… fill in the form below and register for The Fearless Worshiper Masterclass right now!