We all make mistakes. We fumble and fall. We slip up. But we are not our mistakes. And we are not defined by our sins.
Whether you believe it or not, you are special. You were created for a purpose. Your creator made you just the way you are for a reason. And you are His masterpiece.
You are not defined by what you do, but rather, what you do is defined by who you are. “But who am I, really?”, you may ask. You are who you think you are. Your identiy is defined by how you see yourself.
No one knows you better than the one who created you. If you really want to know who you were meant to be, then you need to look at your maker and you will see in His eyes your true reflection. Through His eyes of love, you will see your perfect reflection—the way God sees you. Nothing is more important than seeing yourself as God sees you.
Image by chuttersnap